Monday, August 25, 2008


So I had to look up the term manifesto just to make sure I knew what it was. According to wikipedia, “A manifesto is a public declaration of principles and intentions, often political in nature, but may also be life stance related.” As far a film goes I enjoy narrative films, specifically the creative side of film. I just finished my first short a month ago. It’s about a school shooting and my old high school allowed me to film. It was a lot of fun and everyone helped me for free. I learned a lot and if I have any advice for anyone it would be to go out and make movies. I know everyone says that but it’s true. You learn so much and even if it turns out like crap you know what to do next time to fix it. I would also recommend taking an internship so you can find out what you don’t like. But as far as my manifesto, I think everyone should make the films they want to make. I know this is an experimental class but I’m talking about all types of film. I want to make all types of films experimental, documentary, but particularly narrative. However, as far as narratives goes, we need more original films. I’m sick of re-makes. Hollywood is afraid of losing money so filmmakers are going to have to make these films independently. Not only is everything remade but even the three part structure bores me. I’m excited about taking this class because I want to unlearn everything I have read in books like “Story” by Robert McKey. It’s like every time I write something I have to have an inciting incident by page 15 and I freak out if I don’t have some sort of ticking clock. I want to bring elements from experimental film to narrative film. I feel like filmmakers that have done this have been successful because people want to see something new.

The Film as an Original Art Form – Hans Richter…….. I enjoyed how clearly he expresses himself. He seems much convicted to fight for the freedom of film as a piece of art. He uses the word “liberating” frequently. When referring to movies, he believes they must rely on literature too much to be considered original and the staging/performance resembles theater. He believes these elements keep movies from interpreting the use of film as an independent art form. Then he explains how documentary filmmaking is closer but the crutch of being dependent upon facts cripples this genre from being completely free. Richter believes the experimental film is the medium being used as an original form of art, completely liberated from history, literature, and performance. My first reaction is to agree with him, but I would not say Hollywood films and documentary films are not original art forms. I’m not sure if this is what he is saying but it seems this way. I do agree that experimental film is the most liberated form of art created through film.

Intro. To Avant-Garde – Scott MacDonald…… I think it was very important that he pointed out the response people have when the see their first Avant Garde film. It’s not their fault. In fact, it’s natural because we are subjected to so many Hollywood films we know what to expect. I also liked how he went into the history of Avant Garde. It is also important to note that he explains why and how Avant-Garde came about. It was nice to get a brief introduction of what these “pioneers” experienced to bring about Avant-Garde.

Naming, and Defining, Avant-Garde or Experimental Film - Fred Camper…… I like how there is no real name for experimental film and how everyone fights over what it should be called. I agree with Camper. The fact that we cannot name it is a good thing. I also thought it was very helpful how he tries to describe the criteria that make an experimental film. My personal favorite name was “undependent.” I think I’m going to start using that.

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